Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Learning from others

Hi all, I have been checking out lots of  Widows Blogs, Widows sites and on-line resources since NY. All Christian. There are some wonderful and amazing Blogs out there, just wish I had a handle on what I was doing on mine lol. If the instructions are any more complex than a straight forward do this and that will happen, I'm stumped. I'm still not sure if people can actually access my Blog properly. I know I have a few followers and a couple of people have commented. Thank you sooo much to you.
I am leaning about being a Widow from WCP, widow2widow with Elaine, the girls @ A Widows Might and links from these through Facebook  have proved great support. I have enjoyed learning about the word Widow. Before I became one I would not have thought too deeply about it, but it seems like it has been a lifebelt for me since David passed and I was no longer a wife, I think I have actually enjoyed using it as an identity. I am three and half months since losing my other half of me and things are definitely 'different' not in ways I would have thought but in ways I cannot yet understand. After the initial trauma and devastation my life seems to have got back to very similar as it was before, just minus my Beloved. I feel Gods presence much more leading me. I had to go back to work, eventually as I no longer had David's income just a small pension and some government funding and as I am a church administrator and finance officer dealing with people a lot of the time I have to put what's happening in my life to one side and get on with the job, this seems to have helped take away the raw edge of grief. I am Trusting God and praying that all things are not going to come crashing down on me I am not doing this in my own strength, that this is God upholding me with His mighty right hand. Bless you for stopping by. :) (((((((HUGS)))))))

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