Tuesday 20 December 2011

An unanswered ?

I have been so grateful for the wonderful WCP and widows blogs that have been my constant companions recently. The only sadness is that I have not come across anyone yet that had an unsaved spouse, not that I would want any of the ladies to experience that pain what I mean is are there no women out there on WCP who were not married to lovely Christian men. My David was a lovely man but had not accepted Jesus as his saviour during life and I will just have to trust God for his state after death. This has been one great big barrier for me in the first 3 months after David died. The sites out there for 'widows of the world' are not where I want to be at this time, although, I have not actually come across any as yet.


  1. Thank you so much for following my blog. It means a lot to me. I wish I could wrap my arms around you and tell you everything is alright, but we both know it isn't alright and there will always be a void, an emptiness that nothing ever quite fills. I can tell you it gets better and hope you can believe it, though you don't think it possible now, there will come a day when you are able to go the entire day without thinking of it one time. I didn't think it would happen either, but it does. Take heart, for it is true that time, and only time, will make it bearable. God gives us a strength we never knew we had and we survive when we think we cannot. If you ever just need someone to listen or talk to, please know that I am here. You can email me if you wish ... there is a button to click on the right sidebar. I care.
