Thursday 7 June 2012

Hello there, it's been a while but I have been so tired and not knowing what to say apart from moaning about widowhood ! But today I spoke to a lovely lady about Tutoring. This came about because I read an article in Woman Alive Magazine about this Lady and the web site she created about resources for teaching children to read. This has always been a passion of mine and David's. So, I contacted her through the site and said I felt God had directed me to this. After some research and mind sorting I arranged to call her for a chat. It was such a lovely time and she was so encouraging. As we finished our call and spoke about our future she said that she and her husband are going to the south of England to check out the place for a retirement home, and when they are on their way back to their home could they call and we could meet up!! How great is that - from a magazine article to meeting up. God is amazing. Watch this space. Bless you xx